Informes de control cívic
Procés d'impuls de la transició energètica a Mataró

Va enviar el 31/10/2019 | di | @ecolliures


L’Ajuntament de Mataró ha rebut una subvenció des del fons europeu (FEDER) per impulsar el procés de transformació energètica i la reducció del seu impacte en el canvi climàtic.
El projecte preveu una inversió de 2,8 milions d’euros en la millora de les instal·lacions d'enlluenament a diferents carrers (substitució de bombetes de vapor de sodi per leds) per aconseguir un estalvi energètic més gran (més del 65% el consum d’energia final) i per tant, i d'acord amb les indicacions de la UE, reduir en un 65% de les corresponents emissions de gasos d’efecte hivernacle. A més, s'instal·laran plaques fotovoltaiques, connectades a la xarxa (a l’Escola Marta Mata, al Poliesportiu Municipal Teresa Maria Roca i a l’Institut Municipal Miquel Biada). Aquestes instal·lacions produiran energia per a consum dels equipaments. També seria possible la venda de l'energia emmagatzemada o la seva destinació a altres finalitats. L’objectiu és generar energia renovable suficient per assolir un 36% d’autoconsum en els tres equipaments. A part de l'estalvi, es busca la promoció i educació sobre l’eficiència i l’estalvi energètic. La instal·lació de les plaques requereix una inversió aproximada de 187.000 €.

Process of the Impulse of Energy Transition in Mataró

The City Council of Mataró has received a grant from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) to promote the process of energy transformation and reducing its impact on climate change.
The project envisages an investment of € 2.8 million in the improvement of street lighting installations (replacement of sodium vapor bulbs with LEDs) for greater energy savings (over 65% of final energy consumption) and therefore, in accordance with EU guidelines, to reduce by 65% the corresponding greenhouse gas emissions. In addition, photovoltaic panels will be installed, connected to the grid (at the Marta Mata School, the Teresa Maria Roca Municipal Sports Center and the Miquel Biada High School). These facilities will produce energy for the consumption of the equipment. It would also be possible to sell the stored energy or redirect it for other purposes. The goal is to generate enough renewable energy to achieve 36% of self-consumption in all three facilities. Apart from saving, the promotion and education on efficiency and energy saving is sought. The installation of the plates requires an investment of approximately € 187,000.


The project started in 2019 and is planned to finish in 2021.


Intervenció útil però presenta problemes: ha tingut alguns resultats positius i és útil, fins i tot si també presenta aspectes negatius

It has not yet been concluded.

Punts de debilitat

1. Not a lot of parties are implicated, the town administration has destinated few human ressources to coordinate the project.
2. We believe that the project should take more time and the budget should be revised periodically as to attain the target of 2030 reduction requires more funds and ressources.

Punts forts

1. It significantly reduces the consume of energy and therefore carbon emission.
2. It saves money from the town's budget.
3. It affects the whole town (street lightening, schools, etc.).
4. There is an educational purpose and has a purpose of making the inhabitants more conscious about energy consume.
5. It is compatible with the EU politics.

Riscos riscos

1. If it is not accompanied by an efficient social campaign to reduce the consumption and alternatives for industries it's impact will be reduced.
2. Because of the confinement the project could not reach it's goals in time.

Solucions i idees

1. Design a social campaign starting at schools to make students more conscious about the consumption of energy.
2. Design a plausible plan to use renewable energies by industries with economic incentives so that they do not loose benefits.
3. Design an electric stockage plan for energy obtained from renewable sources.

La investigació

Com es va recollir la informació?

  • Recollida d'informació a través del web
  • Entrevista amb l'Autoritat de Gestió del Programa

David Villar Hernández Cap d’Unitat de Prospectiva Energètica i Sostenibilitat de la Divisió de Planificació Energètica a l’Institut Català d’Energia who is responsible for coordinating the project in Catalonia.

Preguntes principals

1. Do you think that reaching the UE goal to reduce carbon emissions to zero by 2050 is achievable?
2. Do you think that society is ready for theses changes (using renewable energy, implications for the economy)?

Respostes principals

1. It is very difficult to answer as we are talking about a very distant date and it is not easy to predict whether it will be possible to fulfill. It would be necessary to have short-term goals, for example focusing on meeting those of the EU (until 2030 reduction: - 40% reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, 30% increase in renewable energy, increase of 32,5% energy saving and efficiency). In Catalonia we are far behind, below the Spanish average. The reason is that renewable energy has not been sufficiently developed in Catalonia, so reaching the 2030 targets will be very difficult. More changes, investments and facilities should be made to make it possible.
2. It's a big question that we have to ask ourselves, according to David Villar we're not ready yet, but that doesn't mean it's not possible. One topic that is being researched and raised, especially from the EU today, is the introduction of renewable energy storage. Another developing topic is the flexibilization of electricity demand: supply and demand aggregator, in the future the consumer will decide on the price of energy that he/she wants to pay as we will choose the time of day and night when we want to use it as the price will vary, it will be in accordance with the production curve, the consumer will decide if he/she is interested in using energy.